The Gene Keys Business Guide is no longer available as a stand alone offer and is now included in select programs by Kehla.

You can check out other self-paced options here if you'd like to learn more about the Gene Keys!

Or you can get on the waitlist for The Edge Mastermind and expand on what Kehla teaches about the Gene Keys alongside Human Design and business strategy.

If you want to learn more about the Gene Keys, download my free guide below!

The challenge in integrating Gene Keys into business lies in the lack of practical application beyond the concept of 'embodiment', causing disconnect and confusion on how to utilize them as a strategic tool for growth and impact. 

This 50+ podcast compendium is a guide for integrating Gene Keys into business strategies, helping entrepreneurs identify ideal clients, navigate challenges, maintain focusstand out in their industry, enhance client support, and step into leadership roles with clarity and impact.