You're about toĀ get your hands on the most liquid gold comprehensive podcast compendium regarding the Gene Keys for entrepreneurs in business ever found on the internet.
Through the 50+ podcast episodes & 27hrs+ of FREE binge-able audio content youā€™ll learn how to:
- Contemplate the Activation Sequence from an entrepreneurial lens
- Contemplate the Venus Sequence from an entrepreneurial lens
- Contemplate the Pearl Sequence from an entrepreneurial lens
- How to leverage the Gene Keys to create content
- Contemplating the Gene Keys to set intentions for your paid programs
- How to infuse the Gene Keys into hypnosis
- The unconscious & conscious influences of mental & emotional blocks
- Uncovering & implementing your 4 prime gifts into your paid offers
- Embodying the Gene Keys to stand out in your industry
- Ā Which Gene Keys spheres support you whenĀ launching your paid programs
ā€¦and so much more
PS: Thereā€™s a special discount code for the Gene Keys Business guide thatā€™s valid until June 1st when you sign up.
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