Are you interested in interviewing Kehla on your podcast or having her as a guest speaker on a Summit or in a Program?

Check out her Media Portfolio to learn more about the value she can bring to your audience. You can also email for inquiries: to [email protected]

E #298: Iā€™m officially a fiancĆ© - my engagement story Dec 19, 2022

In this highly requested episode, Kehla shares her story about how Guillaume proposed on Dec 14th, 2022 after ten years on the dot of dating and now they're engaged! Lots of insights, truths, wisdom and love in here for you to listen to!

Recommended episodes:

E #35: the #1 transformational...

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E #297: shifting the paradigm of launching through a Human Design lens Dec 13, 2022

In this episode, Kehla dives into the problematic aspects of 'launching' or having 'open/closed doors/cart' experiences with our audience because it doesn't honour the emotional authorities or those who have a Reflector chart and need more time to process before making a decision. In this...

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E #296: the bullsh*t illusion about being fulltime in your business Dec 11, 2022

This episode is a massive transparency bomb about Kehla's journey of 'going full time in business' and the toxic beliefs that she picked up over the years of growing her business. She gives examples of the illusion she bought into that actually had her commit prematurely to 'going all in' and the...

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E #295: setting intentions for 2023 using your Gene Keys Dec 07, 2022

In this short, yet sweet episode Kehla dives into the intention-setting tactics that she's leveraged over the last few years when it comes to wrapping up the end of the year. In this conversation, Kehla shares the 'words' that she chose for 2022, prosperity & patience and how they showed up...

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E #294: Q&A - how to leverage the sequences & Gene Key spheres in business Dec 04, 2022

In today's episode, Kehla addresses the inquiry of 'what spheres in the Gene Keys do you check for a business?'. She gives examples of how to leverage the Activation sequence by getting physically grounded with core stability in your mind & body to build the foundation of how to show up in...

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E #293: Q&A - selling your services by leveraging your GKs & HD, 2 line spheres & more Nov 30, 2022

Today's episode is another gem of a conversation where Kehla answers questions from her audience about alchemizing your Human Design & Gene Keys in business.

What you can expect is:

  • Why Kehla loves HD/GKs as a tool in business & how to use it in an empowering context
  • How to leverage your...
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E #292: Q&A - Core wound, undefined centers, marketing & Brand/Lifeā€™s Work Nov 27, 2022

In this episode, Kehla decided to do a Q&A where she answered questions from her audience about their Human Design & Gene Keys in business! Kehla gave some great examples of how to blend Human Design and Gene Keys to give you the most clarity on how to show up authentically.

Today she dove...

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E #291: synthesizing Human Design & Gene Keys Nov 23, 2022

This episode starts a new adventure as Kehla has never talked about this lens of Human Design & Gene Keys anywhere else, except here. This conversation is a curious approach to how you can contemplate your Gene Keys from the centers of your Human Design chart & how these themes play an...

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E #290: life & business update - donā€™t believe everything you see on social media Nov 20, 2022

In this episode, Kehla dives into the depths of the truth of what’s been happening in her life and business over the last three months and also what direction she’s going into in the future.

She gives examples of the nuances of business, reality checks and the struggle emotionally,...

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E #289: leveraging the challenges of life with 5/1 Splenic Projector Kehly Nov 17, 2022

Today's episode is an interview with 5/1 Splenic Projector Kehly! Kehla and Kehly connected through Instagram and share many similarities in their life such as: having similar names, being Canadian, competing as (varsity) athletes in their childhood and university years, experiencing childhood...

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E #288: contemplating the Pearl sequence in business Nov 17, 2022

In this episode, Kehla takes you on a journey through the Pearl sequence. She dives into how the Pearl sequence shifted her relationship to money and how she's contemplated the shadows of these Gene Keys to redefine her relationship to prosperity. Kehla also discusses how the Pearl sequence can...

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E #287: contemplating the Venus sequence in business Nov 13, 2022

In today's episode, Kehla dives into the depths of the Venus sequence. She shares about her journey with the different sphere, pathways, Gene Keys and lines and how they show up in her life, relationships and business. This is a great episode to learn how you can leverage your Venus sequence for...

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